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Court Rules

Perhaps the most important general rule and point of etiquette for all club members is to arrive 10-15 minutes 
early for any scheduled play in which you have chosen to participate, whether that be House League, 
other forms of team play, or round robin events. 

If you cannot make your game as scheduled, you are to call a spare from the list of members at your level 
or let the court monitor know 24 hours in advance so that a spare can be found. This common courtesy ensures friendly, competitive play among the members and a guarantee that the game will go on.



On-Court Rules

As a club member, you are obliged to:

  • Call balls fairly and honestly.

  • Give your opponent the benefit of the doubt and play the ball as good if you are unsure as to whether 
    a ball is out or good.

  • Call balls on your side, help your opponent call the ball if he or she requests it, and call against yourself 
    any ball that you clearly see out on your opponent’s side of the net.

  • Correct your call if you call a ball out and then realize it was good.

  • Refrain from enlisting the aid of spectators or players on another court in making line calls.

  • As the Server, announce the set score before starting a game and announce the game score prior to 
    serving each point to avoid controversy over the score.

  • As the Receiver of a serve in doubles, it is your responsibility to call the sideline and centre line, 
    and your partner’s responsibility to call the service line. (Nonetheless, either partner can call a ball 
    he or she clearly sees out.)

  • Agree to go back to the last score and resume play from that point if players cannot agree on the score.

  • Volunteer honestly any violations such as ball touching a player, double bounces, ball touching the net, 
    foot faults, etc.

  • Avoid stalling, sulking, deliberately throwing the tennis racquet, hitting tennis balls indiscriminately, 
    using profane language and engaging in inappropriate behaviour.

  • Avoid obscene gestures and any form of physical violence against another player, spectator or official.



Off-Court Rules


  • Treat other players with respect and courtesy.

  • Avoid criticizing or ridiculing other players.

  • Avoid engaging in profane or abusive language.

  • First offence – warning, based on the seriousness of the issue, at the discretion of the Executive.
    Second offence – referred to the board disciplinary committee for resolution which could result in suspension or termination of membership.

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