House League
This is a great program for all adult members (18+) who want to play on Wednesday evenings for 1 1/2 - 2 hours per week competitive matches with players of equal skill. Players are rated based on skill level and Captains adhere to court ranking rules based on players skill level. We do allow inter county players to play house league but priority is given to non inter county players. Court restrictions apply to all Inter County players.
Alternating nights of play each week.
Matches are played on Mondays at 9.00 pm and Wednesdays at 6:00, 7:30, and 9:00 pm.
15 scheduled matches + Playoffs.
8 Teams, 20 players in each of the Teams.
Play starts after a 10-minute warm-up.
The Team Captain schedules players for the matches based on their availability on a rotational basis. The player must confirm the booking.
When booking is confirmed - player's responsibility is to be on time for the match.
No-shows are not tolerated; first, no-show results in 4 4-week suspension, 2nd second, no-show results in permanent suspension.
Email blast to all House League members when teams need spares.
To qualify for House League, players must possess an NTRP skill level of 3 or higher, see Skill Rating Guide. All NEW members must attend a tryout and be approved by the Director of House League, returning players will maintain their rank from prior year.
Please register for the House League using the online membership application form; a charge of $20 applies.
Tryouts are ONLY for the NEW players and those who would like to be reviewed for re-ranking. Players who played before in the RHLTC House League do not need to attend
Players must be available to play 10 of the 15 matches
Players must be on time and make themselves available most weeks
Players must notify the Captain of their availability for the season in advance
House league will be soft-capped at 120 players, but you can be on the sub-list in the event a player is injured or a team needs additional players throughout the season.