
RHLTC Rules and Regulations
  1. Member Identification  - your proof of booking profile. All paid up members will receive access to the booking system. The public are entitled to use the courts when they are not being used but they are restricted to the designated public courts/time slots posted at the courts. All paid up members of the club are able to ask any non-member to vacate the courts during member hours if they have a court booked.  
  2. Dress Code   Proper non-marking court shoes with shoe tag and approved tennis clothing must be worn. Shirts must be worn at all times.
  3. Etiquette - Please wait until play is finished before walking across a court to get to your court. Use maximum 3 balls for play unless in a lesson. Be prompt in sending back any stray tennis balls from adjacent courts. Do not leave empty tins, tin tops, plastic waste or other refuse on the courts. Finish on time and please close the gate when entering and leaving.
  4. Code of Conduct 
    • Swearing on the courts is not acceptable.
    • Throwing rackets is not acceptable.
    • Loud outbursts demeaning individuals is not acceptable.
    • Loud arguing about points of the game is not acceptable.
    The penalties for infractions could include  1) a warning, 2) removal from the court and 3) suspension of membership or 4) termination of membership.

    Common Sense 

    Line Calls - When in doubt, don't call it out, give your opponent the benefit of "your" doubt. 

    Scores - If you find yourselves unsure of the score, go back to the last score you can agree on and play from that score onward.

    Tennis Canada Rules of the Court (2009) Click Here
  5. Discipline Committee - members who have violated the Club rules and have been issued a suspension or termination notice will have the opportunity to present their case to the Clubs discipline committee. After presenting their case, the ruling of the committee is final. 

Tennis Lessons

Questions about our tennis lessons? You can reach us by email or telephone.

Email: lessons@rhltc.ca

Telephone: (905) 499-3860

Club Operations

Club Manager: manager@rhltc.ca

Telephone: (905) 737-2491

161 Newkirk Road,
Richmond Hill, ON
(We're located at Crosby Park)

"I love the winning, I can take the losing, but most of all, I love to play". Boris Becker
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Copyright RHLTC 2011
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